Sometimes ago, I needed to insert bulk data to one of my table. I was needed a loop which will insert the data one by one. Previously I did that using a console application. But now I find a better solution using SQL Script. Below is the SQL I used. It is self explanatory. DECLARE @i int = 0 declare @suffix varchar (20) WHILE @i < 20 BEGIN SET @i = @i + 1 set @suffix = CAST(@i AS varchar (20)) /* do some work */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Customer] ([FirstName] ,[LastName] ,[Phone] ,[Email]) VALUES ('F'+@suffix ,'L'+@suffix ,'Ph'+@suffix ,'Em'+@suffix ) END Those who are interested to test in your environment, use the below sql to create the table quickly. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer]( [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [FirstName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [Phone] [varchar