ASP.NET Website hosting for LAN
Welcome, I am developing a website on ASP.NET 2.0 with MS SQL Server 2005. After creating some pages, i need to access it through LAN, that means from remote pc. I am creating a website of a shopping mall and the web project folder name is "ABCShoppingMall" and the name of the database is "ABCShoppingMallDB". I have faced some problems, but i succseed at last. So i am giving you the steps what you have to do: Install the Internet Information Service (IIS) in your pc. Copy the web project folder into "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot". Go to "Control Panel-->Administrative Tools-->Internet Information Services Manager". A window will appear and click on the Default Web Site to spand. Go to the properties of your desired web project here and create an Application Name. Now go in your browser and if your page name is abc.aspx, then write "http://[ip address]/Application Name/abc.aspx" Now you will get your desired page. If your web project is c...